Computer Graphics and Visualization Lab

Computer Graphics and Visualization Lab

University of Hong Kong

Computer Graphics and Visualization

CGVU Lab, led by Prof. Taku Komura, belongs to the Department of Computer Science, the University of Hong Kong. Our research focus is on physically-based animation and the application of machine learning techniques for animation synthesis.


Meet the Team

Principal Investigator


Taku Komura


Physical Simulation, Character Animation, 3D Modelling

Research Staff


Floyd M. Chitalu

Senior researcher, since Nov. 2022.

Physical Simulation


Yinghao Huang

Postdoc, since Aug. 2023.

Human Pose Estimation, Human Motion Generation


Chen Peng

Postdoc, since Sep. 2023.

Physically-Based Animation, Fluid Simulation

Graduate Students


Linxu Fan

PHD, since Nov. 2019.

Physical Simulation


Zhiyang Dou

PhD, since Aug. 2020.
Co-supv. by Prof. Wenping Wang.

Character Animation, Geometric Computing


Dafei Qin

PhD, since Sep. 2020.

Facial Animation, Neural Rendering


Mingyi Shi

PhD, since Nov. 2020.

3D Human Moton, Generative AI


Jintao Lu

PhD, since Sept. 2021.

Human Scene Interaction, Motion Control


Huancheng Lin

M.Phil., since Sep. 2022.

Physical Simulation


Guying Lin

MPhil, since Sept. 2022.
Co-supv. by Prof. Wenping Wang.

Neural Implicit Surface Representation


Kemeng Huang

PhD, since Sep. 2022.

Physical Simulation, High Performance Computing


Wenjia Wang

PhD, since Jan. 2023.

3D Reconstruction, Human Pose Estimation, Human Motion Generation


Zhouyingcheng Liao

PhD, since Jan. 2023.

Neural Cloth Simulation, Character Animation


Xiaohan Ye

PhD, since Sept. 2023.

Physics Simulation, Motion Control


Yuke Lou

M.Phil, since Sept. 2023.

Motion Generation

Research Assistant


Leo Ho

Research Assistant, since Aug. 2023.

Digital Humans, Motion Synthesis


Xinyu Lu

Research Assistant, since Sep. 2023.

Physically-Based Animation, Simulation

Recent Publications

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EMDM: Efficient Motion Diffusion Model for Fast and High-Quality Motion Generation

EMDM: Efficient Motion Diffusion Model for Fast and High-Quality Motion Generation

We introduce Efficient Motion Diffusion Model (EMDM) for fast and high-quality human motion generation. Current state-of-the-art generative diffusion models have produced impressive results but struggle to achieve fast generation without sacrificing quality. On the one hand, previous works, like motion latent diffusion, conduct diffusion within a latent space for efficiency, but learning such a latent space can be a non-trivial effort. On the other hand, accelerating generation by naively increasing the sampling step size, e.g., DDIM, often leads to quality degradation as it fails to approximate the complex denoising distribution. To address these issues, we propose EMDM, which captures the complex distribution during multiple sampling steps in the diffusion model, allowing for much fewer sampling steps and significant acceleration in generation. This is achieved by a conditional denoising diffusion GAN to capture multimodal data distributions among arbitrary (and potentially larger) step sizes conditioned on control signals, enabling fewer-step motion sampling with high fidelity and diversity. To minimize undesired motion artifacts, geometric losses are imposed during network learning. As a result, EMDM achieves real-time motion generation and significantly improves the efficiency of motion diffusion models compared to existing methods while achieving high-quality motion generation. Our code is available at \url{}.

Surf-D: Generating High-Quality Surfaces of Arbitrary Topologies Using Diffusion Models

Surf-D: Generating High-Quality Surfaces of Arbitrary Topologies Using Diffusion Models

We present Surf-D, a novel method for generating high-quality 3D shapes as Surfaces with arbitrary topologies using Diffusion models. Previous methods explored shape generation with different representations and they suffer from limited topologies and poor geometry details. To generate high-quality surfaces of arbitrary topologies, we use the Unsigned Distance Field (UDF) as our surface representation to accommodate arbitrary topologies. Furthermore, we propose a new pipeline that employs a point-based AutoEncoder to learn a compact and continuous latent space for accurately encoding UDF and support high-resolution mesh extraction. We further show that our new pipeline significantly outperforms the prior approaches to learning the distance fields, such as the grid-based AutoEncoder, which is not scalable and incapable of learning accurate UDF. In addition, we adopt a curriculum learning strategy to efficiently embed various surfaces. With the pretrained shape latent space, we employ a latent diffusion model to acquire the distribution of various shapes. Extensive experiments are presented on using Surf-D for unconditional generation, category conditional generation, image conditional generation, and text-to-shape tasks. The experiments demonstrate the superior performance of Surf-D in shape generation across multiple modalities as conditions.

Coverage Axis++: Efficient Skeletal Points Selection for 3D Shape Skeletonization

Coverage Axis++: Efficient Skeletal Points Selection for 3D Shape Skeletonization

We introduce Coverage Axis++, a novel and efficient approach to 3D shape skeletonization. The current state-of-the-art approaches for this task often rely on the watertightness of the input or suffer from substantial computational costs, thereby limiting their practicality. To address this challenge, Coverage Axis++ proposes a heuristic algorithm to select skeletal points, offering a high-accuracy approximation of the Medial Axis Transform (MAT) while significantly mitigating computational intensity for various shape representations. We introduce a simple yet effective strategy that considers shape coverage, uniformity, and centrality to derive skeletal points. The selection procedure enforces consistency with the shape structure while favoring the dominant medial balls, which thus introduces a compact underlying shape representation in terms of MAT. As a result, Coverage Axis++ allows for skeletonization for various shape representations (e.g., water-tight meshes, triangle soups, point clouds), specification of the number of skeletal points, few hyperparameters, and highly efficient computation with improved reconstruction accuracy. Extensive experiments across a wide range of 3D shapes validate the efficiency and effectiveness of Coverage Axis++. \ZY{Our codes are available at \url{}.

C·ASE: Learning Conditional Adversarial Skill Embeddings for Physics-based Characters

C·ASE: Learning Conditional Adversarial Skill Embeddings for Physics-based Characters

We present C·ASE, an efficient and effective framework that learns Conditional Adversarial Skill Embeddings for physics-based characters. C·ASE enables the physically simulated character to learn a diverse repertoire of skills while providing controllability in the form of direct manipulation of the skills to be performed. This is achieved by dividing the heterogeneous skill motions into distinct subsets containing homogeneous samples for training a low-level conditional model to learn the conditional behavior distribution. The skill-conditioned imitation learning naturally offers explicit control over the character’s skills after training. The training course incorporates the focal skill sampling, skeletal residual forces, and element-wise feature masking to balance diverse skills of varying complexities, mitigate dynamics mismatch to master agile motions and capture more general behavior characteristics, respectively. Once trained, the conditional model can produce highly diverse and realistic skills, outperforming state-of-the-art models, and can be repurposed in various downstream tasks. In particular, the explicit skill control handle allows a high-level policy or a user to direct the character with desired skill specifications, which we demonstrate is advantageous for interactive character animation.


  • CYC Building, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,